Wednesday, January 25, 2017




Elron’s message can’t get through 
The looking glass that Alice knew
Snow White – the dwarf is such a clue
His Creston Bluebird message true
Was bent and altered through and through
By paranoia he was betrayed – 
And Elron’s dwarf a leader made.

Who was this DWARF? You have to ask? 
Who seized the power and took this task. 
Misgivings should occur to you 
A Xenu agent? Seek what's true. 

Ask Dopey if you dare – I do.
"No rundowns are required of you"?
"No Sec-Check gang-bangs? - folders viewed"?
"What crimes are yours"? – you never show
Entheta or out how can we know?
Misgivings grow with no controls 
By what authority in those hours
Was DM granted Elron's power? 

The Commodore 2 admirals named 
But Dopey laid the Broeker's low 
The Dwarf was strong and on his game 
All power was seized – and there remains 

Popes power made when Cardinals vote 
Was transferred here without one note
With Elron’s death, the Dwarf just lied
All rivals true were cast aside 
So RPF Dwarf’s old allies 
Forever down the Hole they go, or try to blow 
And lose their Hats forever gone
Like Hatter's mad at evening tea 
So late - too late the rabbits flee.

So let’s be CLEAR the war is lost 
Misgivings won with Elron's loss 
Xenu’s Dwarf had seized control 
The rank and file can never know. 

For Xenu is this victory? 
Slow death of Scientology
This cluster of expelled BT's  
OT III's true prophecy?
Misgivings now so bloody rich 
Bans his wife and jails the bitch 
Rides his bikes with Gunner Crude 
Strips some nubile S-O nude 
While Shelly rots in iso-hell 
Her ghost now haunts a mountain cell.

Misgivings Gulfstream's round the world
Designs and opens Ideal Orgs 
He CLEARS the lives of seekers new 
CLEARS accounts and CLEARS their wills 
Strips them Clear as Sea Org slaves
While lawyers plot to keep him free. 
From every legal scrutiny. 

The Freewinds his luxurious yacht 
The slave force Sea Org keeps well greased 
And filled with awestruck OT eights 
Who fuel his trips through tropic seas 

This Dwarf is now a Deity  
A living God upon the Sea 
Untouchable and living large 
This God of Cult, a Lord of Fraud 
He stole the lies of LRH and rules the cult 
That serves his greed – a massive ever growing need. 

So level up and pay the freight 
You Sea Org slaves who work so late 
Yes SIR, Yes Sir more books to sell 
More tests to take - more lies to tell 
Your lot in life is misery – 
your pact a billion years to bleed
You dry of will and lost in need 
The Bridge a fiction made to seal 
You locked in place where all is cold
To steal your fire, your faith, and soul
Look in your heart where truth can grow 
An open book for you to know. 

When EO's say you must not read
You cannot speak with those SP’s 
And never seek or see harsh views  
Must disconnect from those that do

A Christian knows the tests of JOB 
How Jesus spent those 40 nights
Siddhartha left his cloistered life 
And chose to face a world of strife 
Abraham was shown the knife 
Then told to take Son Isaac’s life
But Sea Org slaves cannot withstand 
The petty doubts or views of man? 

What cowards they, these mewling wimps 
Who cannot face the AFTERMATH or GOING CLEAR filled them with fright Like Rinder’s Blog or Hawkin's book or Tony's true "Ms.Lovely" look. Or even daddy’s Ruthless light.

He might be wealthy and secure 
When life does end his soul endures 
And comes to find eternal fire 
Where Greed then meets the true God’s ire.

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